Early Astronomy
Astronomy is the
oldest of the natural sciences, dating back to antiquity, with its origins in
the religious, mythological, and
astrological practices of pre-history: vestiges of these are still found in
astrology, a discipline long interwoven with public and governmental astronomy,
and not completely disentangled from it until a few centuries ago in the
Western World (see astrology and astronomy). In some cultures astronomical data
was used for astrological prognostication.
astronomers were able to differentiate between stars and planets, as stars
remain relatively fixed over the centuries while planets will move an
appreciable amount during a comparatively short time.
Early cultures
identified celestial objects with gods and spirits.[1] They related these
objects (and their movements) to phenomena such as rain, drought, seasons, and
tides. It is generally believed that the first "professional"
astronomers were priests, and that their understanding of the
"heavens" was seen as "divine", hence astronomy's ancient
connection to what is now called astrology. Ancient structures with possibly
astronomical alignments (such as Stonehenge) probably fulfilled both astronomical
and religious functions.
Calendars of the
world have usually been set by the Sun and Moon (measuring the day, month and
year), and were of importance to agricultural societies, in which the harvest
depended on planting at the correct time of year. The most common modern
calendar is based on the Roman calendar, which divided the year into twelve
months of alternating thirty and thirty-one days apiece. In 46 BC Julius Caesar
instigated calendar reform and adopted a calendar based upon the 365¼ day year
length originally proposed by 4th century BC Greek astronomer Callippus.
Ancient astronomers had only their eyes with which to view
the sky, but they had a very practical reason for studying the skies. Thousands
of years ago, changes in the heavens were the only available clocks and
calendars. The stars could also be used for navigation. See also Archaeoastronomy.
1200-1000 BC-
Babylonians study 'astrology' - the belief that people's lives were influenced
by the stars. They invented the 12 signs that are still used today. Around the
same time, the Greeks name most of the stars and the constellations (Hercules,
Perseus, Cassiopea and Cygnus). They also name the "the wandering
stars." We now know these wandering stars as planets. The Greeks named these
after their gods, Mercury, Venus, Mars & Jupiter.
332 BC-
Alexander the Great builds a great museum-library-observatory at the mouth of
the Nile in Alexandra.
280 BC-
Aristarchus (Greek) stated that the Sun was the center of the 'solar system'.
It was almost 1800 yrs later that his theory would be widely accepted.
240 BC-
Eratosthenes figured out the size of the Earth.
Year O - At the
time of Christ, Egyptians & Chinese were also heavily into the study of the
120 AD- Egyptian
astronomer Ptolemy (a.d. 90-168) is credited with the creation of the elaborate
mechanism by which he (and later astronomers) calculated the movements of the
stars and planets and the moon around the earth.
Ptolemy's most
important work was completed early in his career, Almagest. Written originally
in Greek, this work on astronomy was translated into Arabic in the ninth
century, and in 1410 it was translated into Latin. While never completely
unknown, its reappearance during the Renaissance buttressed Catholic doctrine
on the centrality of human creation.
1054- Oriental
astronomers recorded a breif flaring star, now known as a supernova.
1200 AD- the
mariner's compass with a magnetic needle comes into use.
1510 AD -
Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) Polish astronomer & mathemetician
posumously publishs his theories that opposes common Christian beliefs of the
time. The book stated that the sun was the center of our solar system. His book
was banned by the Roman Catholic Church until 1835.
Galileo Galilei
(1564-1642) The Italian physicist and astronomer first used a telescope from
lenses he made himself, at the beginning of the 17th Century. The telescope was
30X. In 1609, he made a drawing of the moon for the world to see. Again, he
stated that the Sun was the center of the universe, for this he was persecuted
for going against the Church. The Inquisition forced him to repeal his
discoveries in order avoid torture. He also discovered sun spots and Jupiter's
4 satellites.
1618- Johannes
Kepler stated that the Earth moved around the Sun in an ellipse ( a squashed
circle.) Isaac Newton (1643-1727) at the University of Cambridge, developed the
laws of gravity. He coined the now famous term "and to every action there
is always an equal and opposite or contrary, reaction." Newton also
determined the moon's effect on the tides. He also discovered that the prism
seperated light's component colours, which added to the study of stars through
spectral analysis.
1905- Albert
Einstein published his Theory of Relativity. This led to the famous E=MC
squared (energy is equal to mass times the speed of light squared). This
formula helped us understand the atom and the fact that gravity can bend light.
1924- Edwin
Hubble (1889-1953) discovered that our Milky Way was not the center of the
universe, but rather only one galaxy in among billions. He calulates the
distance to the Andromeda and Triangulum 'nebulas'. He also measures the
redshift of the spectra of the galaxies and states that the universe is expanding.
1967- A Pulsar
(a form of radiation) is discovered at Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory at
University of Cambridge.
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