Tuesday, July 28, 2015

SAMPLE LESSON PLAN in English (detailed) with Activity Sheets

Detailed LESSON PLAN in
Grade 8 – Joy

     I.        Objectives:
At the end of the forty-five-minute period, the students will be able to:
A.   Identify tone and mood in a given text
B.   Respond to a certain literature using the same tone and mood of a text
C.   Compose an essay from the given tone and mood

   II.        Subject Matter:
·         Topic: TONE AND MOOD
·         Concept: Tone is a manner, a feeling or atmosphere the author has meant to set in the story or towards a subject while Mood is the feeling or atmosphere perceived by the reader.
·         Skills: identifying, responding, composing
·         Values: Class Motto: The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge.

(For someone who believes that he/she has the knowledge and becomes blind to the actual knowledge available everywhere around him/her, never learns it unless he makes his cup empty.)
·         References:
-     K12 curriculum
-     Skill Builders for Efficient Reading p. 72
Authored by: Wilhelma G. Borjal et.al
·         Materials:
-     Blackboard
-     Chalk
-     Marker
-     Visual Aids
-     Activity sheets
-     Handouts
A.  Pre-lesson Activity

Everybody stand. Let us put ourselves in the presence of our Lord. Lead the prayer Aileen Pearl Madanlo.
Aileen, (okay let us pray…)
Good morning class.
Good morning Ms. _____
Before you take you seats, pick up the pieces of papers under your chairs and arrange your chairs properly.
(the students pick up the pieces of papers under their chairs and arrange their chairs properly)
Settle yourselves down.
(students will sit down)
Eryel Comania (beadle) check the attendance.
(Eryel will check the attendance.)
Before we are going to start, I will remind you of our agreed rules and regulation in class.
1.    Turn off your phones or at least set it in a silent mode.
2.    If you have questions, ask the teacher directly to avoid disturbing your classmates.
3.    If you want to ask or answer the teacher, just raise your hand and wait until you are recognized.
4.    Raise your index finger if you want to go out and wait until you are recognized.
5.    The class will be divided into two teams and will be given 100 points each as your participation grade. Every time a team gets noisy, the teams’ points will be deducted by five.
6.    Revive the lost points by participating orally. The team of the students who answered correctly to the teacher’s questions will be rewarded of five points.
7.    The scores of the students caught cheating will be deducted by 10 points.
 (the students will listen)

Okay class, what was our topic last meeting and what was it all about?
Ma’am, it was all about verbalizing emotional response wherein we will be able to know how to show feelings and emotions through speech
Very good Jessa.

In identifying the feelings expressed in the line, what are the things that you have to consider?
The atmosphere of the text and the feeling it gives to the listener.

Before we proceed to our next lesson, I want you to read and observe a short literary piece.
Identify the feeling it gave you as a reader and the atmosphere of the text given as you list them on the first column of the table located under the text. Identify the words that helped you in identifying the words in the first column. Do it within 5 minutes.
Here are your activity sheets.
(the students read the piece and fill in table under the given literary piece.)


(after five minutes)

Okay class, stop writing and compare your answers to the answers in this table (showing the answer key).

What are the words in the first column?

(the students will read the answers in the first column)
What are the words present in the second column?
(the students will read the answers in the second column)
Now, observe the first column of the table. In the table you will see bullets in forms of heart and flower.
What are the words that are in the hearts?
These are the words that show what we felt while reading the text.
How about the words in the flowers?
These are words that show the atmosphere of the given text.
The words in the hearts are what we call the MOOD and in the flowers is the TONE.

So our topic is all about Tone and Mood. But before we proceed, read your objectives for today.

Okay, thank you.

Out from the words in the given table, what are tone and mood and its difference?

(students read in chorus)

Tone is a manner, a feeling or atmosphere the author has meant to set in the story or towards a subject while Mood is the feeling or atmosphere perceived by the reader.
Therefore Tone is based on the text or the author and the Mood is based on the readers’ perspective.

Here are some examples of the Tone and Mood. (the teacher will present a list of examples of tone and mood)

Who can give examples of literary pieces and what are their tone and mood?

(the students will raise their hands and give examples of literary pieces and identify their tone and mood)
Do you have any questions before we proceed to our activity?
(the students will ask questions if they have)

You will be grouped into four. Wear your thinking caps and have a brainstorming about the activity. You will be given a manila paper containing an unfinished line continued to make a brief story. Identify the tone and mood of the story and underline the words that show it. After 10 minutes, post your stories in front and discuss what you have formulated in front. Reporters in each group will be selected randomly.
Are there any questions before we proceed?

Team A, count off from one to two.
Team B, count off from one to two.

(Identify the area of each group)

Go to your groups silently within 5 seconds. 5-4-3-2-1.

(the students will ask some questions to clarify the instruction given.)

(after 10 minutes)

Okay, time’s up.
Go back to your seats and arrange them silently.

Present your stories in front.

Let us start from Team A-2. Do the honor in presenting your story ____.

Very good Team A-2.

Next will be from Team B-1. Do the honor in presenting your story ____.

Very good Team B-1.

Next will be from Team B-2. Do the honor in presenting your story ____.

Very good Team B-2.

Next will be from Team A-1. Do the honor in presenting your story ____.

Very good Team A-1.

Okay let’s give everyone a Dionesia clap. May I request Marielle Petere to come here in front and teach us how.

(the students will post their manila papers in the board)

(Marielle will come in front and demonstrate the Dionesia clap)

What is a Tone?
Tone is a manner, a feeling or atmosphere the author has meant to set in the story or towards a subject.
What is a Mood?
Mood is the feeling or atmosphere perceived by the reader.
Give some examples of Tone
(the students will give examples of tone)
Give some examples of Mood
(the students will give examples of mood)

 IV.        Evaluation:

Read the literary piece and identify the tone and mood of the piece. Respond to the piece using the same mood and tone by writing a two-stanza-paragraph in the space provided in your answer sheet. Do it 5 five minutes.

(after 5 minutes)
Okay pens’ up!
Pass your papers in front at the count of five. 5-4-3-2-1.

This time, copy your assignment.

  V.        ASSIGNMENT

1.    Read the poem entitled “Annabelle Lee” by Edgar Allan Poe and identify its mood and tone. Underline the words that showed that helped you identify the tone and mood of the story.
2.    Research for more examples of Tone and Mood. Twenty-five examples each.
Are you done copying?

Okay goodbye class.
Yes ma’am

Goodbye ma’am


Name: ________________________________________________        Date:_______________
Direction: Observe a short literary piece. Identify the feeling it gave you as a reader and the atmosphere of the text given as you list them on the first column of the table located under the text. Identify the words that helped you in identifying the words in the first column. Do it within 5 minutes.

Corazon Aquino, also known as "Cory", made an amazing accomplishment by becoming the first female president of the Philippines. She had to overcome many obstacles before she took on this major role. But in the end, her presidency contributed greatly to the way the Filipino government functions today. Corazon Aquino, the first woman president of the Philippines, made many positive changes in the country. On January 25, 1933, Corazon Aquino was born. She grew up in a wealthy family and had a very happy childhood. She had seven brothers and sisters. Cory lived in Manila until it was time for her to go to college. She studied in the U.S., and in 1953, graduated from Mt. St. Vincent with degrees in French and Math. She was elected to the honor society of Kappa Gamma Pi, an organization for women in catholic colleges who display moral character and good grades. She was very shy, but had a strong spirit("Corazon Aquino"). Returning to the Philippines, Cory enrolled in the College of Law in Manila. While she was there, she met Benigno Aquino. One year later, Benigno and Corazon were married. In the following years they had five children.
Atmosphere (text and reader)
Helping Words


Name: ________________________________________________    Date: _______________
Direction: Read the literary piece and identify the tone and mood of the piece. Respond to the piece using the same mood and tone by writing a two-stanza-paragraph in the space provided in your answer sheet. Do it in 5 five minutes.
… Marcos extended his presidency beyond the constitutional limit of eight years and declared himself a dictator. He imprisoned the political leaders who opposed him. Therefore, Cory's husband was arrested and put in solitary confinement…

Structuralist Literary Theory

·         This theory draws from the linguistic theory of Ferdinand de Saussure.
·         Language is a system or structure.
·         This assumes that literature, as an artifact of culture, is modeled on the structure of language.
·         The emphasis of this literary theory is on the “how” a text means, instead of the “what” (of the American New Criticism).
·         Argument: The structure of language produces reality, and meaning is no longer determined by the individual but by the system which governs the individual
·         Aim of Structuralism: to identify the general principles of literary structure and not to provide interpretations of individual texts

·         3 dimensions in the individual literary texts:
Ø  The text as a particular system or structure in itself
Ø  Texts are unavoidably influenced by other texts, in terms of both their formal and conceptual structures; part of the meaning of any text depends on its intertextual relation to other texts
Ø  The text is related to the culture as a whole

1.    Meaning occurs through difference
2.    Relations among signs are of two sorts, contiguity and substitutability, the axes of combination and selection
3.    Structuralism notes that much of our imaginative world is structured of, and structured by binary oppositions
4.    Structuralism forms the basis for semiotics
5.    Central too to semiotics is the idea of codes
6.    Some signs carry with them larger cultural meanings
7.    Structuralism introduces the idea of the ‘subject’
8.    The conception of the constructed subject
9.    In the view of structuralism our knowledge of ‘reality’ is not only coded but also conventional
10. There is, then, in structuralism, a coherent connection among the conceptions of reality, the social, the individual, the unconscious

·         Guide Questions in Structuralist Criticism:
Ø  What are the elements of the work? How can these be seen as a revealing difference?
Ø  How do the characters, narrators, speakers, or other voices heard in the work reveal difference?
Ø  How do the elements of the work’s plot or overall action suggest a meaningful pattern? What changes, adjustments, transformations, shifts of tone, attitude, or feeling do you find?
Ø  How are the work’s primary images and events related to one another? What elements of differentiation exist, and what do they signify?
Ø  What system of relations could be used to link this work with others of its kind?
Ø  What system of relations could be used to link this work with different kinds of things with which it shared some similarities?

·         Conclusion
The structuralists basic approaches to the interpretation of texts differ. Most structuralists consider the binary opposition as the ideal way of interpretation and textual analysis. Others like the genetic structuralists advance the argument that the text be patterned according to its own internal laws of organic growth. Claude Levi Strauss has actually applied the „binary or useful opposition in his seminal analysis of myths. Eagleton has also used it in analyzing stories, meaning that structuralism can be applied to the interpretation of all kinds of cultural production. DiYanni (2000) even went further to present checklist for the structuralist interpretation of texts. He has also applied binary opposition in his interpretation of a short story.

It is very clear from the various opinions, views and positions of its leading theorists and the numerous critical perspectives that there is certainly no single structuralism as a theory of literature. What obtains is a range of theoretical positions and arguments, all in support of the idea that the literary text which is a product of language remains the final arbiter rather than the author or the social circumstances surrounding the production of the cultural product. The positions are as many as the analysis and interpretation of the text. Some even go contrary to one another. Some positioned that the author is dead and the reader should be dismissed. Saussure and his closest disciples are of the view that the text shall be analyzed and interpreted as part of a larger structure and which determines its worth as literary work. There are others who slightly differ because they are of the view that the literary text can be analyzed and interpreted in itself as an autonomous structure- different items of a given text, poetry, short story can be considered as structures.